Modelo matemático de predicción 0-Dimensional de gasificación de biomasa de caña cubana en lecho fluidizado burbujeante stars

  1. Esquivel Romero, Adrians
Supervised by:
  1. Emilio Jiménez Macías Director
  2. Juan Carlos Sáenz-Díez Muro Director

Defence university: Universidad de La Rioja

Fecha de defensa: 26 November 2013

  1. Carlos Javierre Lardiés Chair
  2. Julio Blanco Fernández Secretary
  3. Angel Sánchez Roca Committee member
  4. Isabel Claveria Ambroj Committee member
  5. Hipólito Carvajal Fals Committee member
Doctoral thesis with
  1. Mención internacional
  1. Ingeniería Eléctrica

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 353335 DIALNET


The modern sugar industries have a high energy consumption, but the possibility of using sugar cane bagasse and trash as fuel to generate useful energy provides significant conceptual changes through the opportunity to sell surplus electricity from a source renewable. This reality leads to investments in energy efficiency and new forms of operation of electrical installations, in order to make more profits. The main objective of this work is to carry out a technical and economic analysis of the operation processes of an bubbling fluidized bed gasification plant, allowing the proposal of models that will contribute to development of this activity, taking into account the best use of components of these systems, and interaction with electrical networks. Thereby attempting to establish a reference in the operation management of sugarcane energy plants in order to improve profitability in the management of the available resources of sugar cane, as well as in the optimum production of sugar, ethanol, biogas energy and cogeneration. Mathematical tools have been used for the formulation of a nonlinear optimization problem corresponding to the model of obtaining the final composition of the syngas in a gasification plant. It has been proven the usefulness of the proposed mathematical model through its application in different analyzes and market scenarios in a gasification plant type, modeled in detail with industrial data GUASCOR gasification plant, located in Vitoria. The results obtained show the possibility of simultaneous use of sugar cane bagasse and trash to produce electricity for export to the electrical network, both determinants on maximizing profit. Among the most prominent conclusions are: the usefulness of the optimal management model proposed, the export of electricity as a balancing factor to industrial economic viability, and the contribution to revalue a combustible material, in many cases, ends up being wasted without any industrial use.