Cambios en la gestión del territorio en una montaña media mediterránea y sus impactos medioambientaleshacia un nuevo paisaje (altos valles del Iregua Leza, Jubera y Cidacos; sistema ibérico noroccidental)
- José Arnáez Vadillo Director
- Luis María Ortigosa Izquierdo Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Zaragoza
Fecha de defensa: 22 de febreiro de 2007
- José María Cuadrat Prats Presidente/a
- Miguel Sánchez Fabre Secretario/a
- José María García Ruiz Vogal
- Teodoro Lasanta Martínez Vogal
- Juan Carlos García Codrón Vogal
Tipo: Tese
Historically the mountains of the mediterranean area have been characterized by a degree of anthropic management very intensive. The high valleys of the Iregua, Leza, Jubera and Cidacos (northwestern Iberian System, La Rioja-Spain) supported in the past important quotas of population. When the population was increasing it was used to the deforestation of hillsides and the terracing. Since 1950s it starts a massive depopulation that leads the forlornness of these spaces. They begin new enviromental dynamics characterized well by processes of erosion in abandoned fields and nowadays grazed by extensive cattle or for processes of vegetal resettlement. These vegetal processes are obtaining the natural re-establishment of the zone. From 1950 to the present, thanks to a GIS, it could have been known that the surface of the woodlands practically has doubled. In this order there are analyzed the environmental current conditions and explorations are carried out on the forest recuperation. Finally, there propose politics of management that unite the conservation of the territory and the utilization of the resources for a society every time demand more services and quality ladscapes.