Fractional Step Runge-Kutta methods for the resolution of two dimensional time dependent coefficient convection-diffusion problems

  1. Bujanda Cirauqui, Blanca
  2. Jorge, JC
Numerical analysis and its applications

ISBN: 3-540-41814-8

Argitalpen urtea: 2001

Alea: 1988

Orrialdeak: 133-143

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua

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In this paper we obtain a unconditional convergence result for discretization methods of type Fractional Steps Runge-Kutta, which are highly efficient in the numerical resolution of parabolic problems whose coefficients depend on time. These methods combined with standard spatial discretizations will provide totally discrete algorithms with low computational cost and high order of accuracy in time. We will show the efficiency of such methods, in combination with upwind difference schemes on special meshes, to integrate numerically singularly perturbed evolutionary convection-diffusion problems.