Low power wireless sensor networks in industrial environment

  1. Fernández Martínez, Roberto
  2. Ordieres Mere, Joaquín Bienvenido
  3. González Marcos, Ana
New aspects of systems

ISBN: 978-960-6766-83-1

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 643-648

Type: Book chapter


The current situation in Spanish municipal solid waste is a reason of concern for the society because the consumption habits of modern consumer lifestyles are causing a huge waste problem. Last investigations show generation of polluting emissions, not just during the dumping period but enough time later. Try to control these emissions or, even develop a way to recycle waste by generating electricity from landfill waste and pollution needs to have some kind of information.News technologies allows us to get some different environmental measures, thanks to the great advanced that this area has had in the last years, how they can be temperature, pressure, light, etc.. To be able to realize a processing in the right moment and condition inside landfill, can depend on measures read and whether it can be used later correctly.To get some information from the environment doesn't mean that it can be able to be processed and managed. It is necessary to locate each sensor in the correct place where you would like to have a right measure, and of course, it is necessary to know in what moment you take this. To install a complex sensor system that can report events to a central base station, which can take appropriate action, in geographical locations and under environmental adverse conditions, similar those that can be found on solid waste landfills, can be an expensive and complicated task.In those situations is where new devices called micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) joined to network wireless technologies are going to help us resolving our problem doing wireless sensor networks (WSN). These low cost and low power devices are going to allow us to have some sensor connected between them without needing to do a wired infrastructure, since it won't be necessary neither to transmit data nor to give them energy.The goal, besides saving all those problems in the installation, is to carry out a collection of data of several physical magnitudes, store them in a central base station and after analysis of this information, a qualified person can make decisions about the most convenient action to do a correct management of landfill.