Born Global Profiles and the Perception of Export Barriers

  1. Fernández Ortiz, Rubén
  2. Clavel San Emeterio, Mónica
  3. González Menorca, María Leonor
  4. Arteaga-Ortiz, Jesús
ICEEM 2012: 2012 2nd International Conference on Economic, Education and Management

ISBN: 978-988-19750-3-4

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Seiten: 581-586

Art: Buch-Kapitel


For decades, terms such as born global, global start-up or international new venture are being used by different researchers to define a new kind of company, mainly characterized by the projection their activities abroad from their creation. Nevertheless, very few studies have been focused on the identification and analysis of the possible differences in the perception of barriers between traditional companies and global start-up companies. Therefore, from an export barriers approach, the main goal of this research is to identify the profile of export barriers of global start-up companies, and compare this profile with the profile of traditional companies. The application of a multivariate analysis to a sample of 406 Spanish companies that had participated in the PIPE program show the existence of significant differentiated profiles of export barriers for the two kinds of companies under study, mainly knowledge barriers, procedure barriers and resources barriers.