Declarative Formalization of Reasoning Strategies:  a Case Study on Blocks World Nonlinear Planning

  1. Sierra-Santibáñez, Josefina
  2. Santibáñez Velilla, Josefina
Knowledge Based Computer Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference - KBCS, 2000

Editorial: Allied Publishers

ISBN: 978-8177641103

Año de publicación: 2000

Páginas: 446-457

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

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We study the declarative formalization of reasoning strategies by presenting declarative formalizations of: (1) the SNLP algorithm for nonlinear planning, and (2) a particular algorithm for blocks world nonlinear planning proposed in this paper. The formal models of a heuristic forward chaining planner, which can take advantage of declarative formalizations of action selection strategies, and of a reasoning strategy based planner, which can use declarative formalizations of reasoning strategies, are proposed. The effectiveness of these systems is studied from formal and empirical points of view. Empirical results showing how the use of declarative formalizations of reasoning strategies can reduce the amount of search required for solving planning problems (with respect to state of the art planning systems) are presented.