Simplified measurement of virgen olive oil color: Application of the characteristic vectors method

  1. Moyano, María José. 1
  2. Ayala, F. 2
  3. Echávarri, J.F. 2
  4. Alba, José . 1
  5. Negueruela, A.I. 3
  6. Heredia, F.J. 4
  1. 1 Instituto de la Grasa

    Instituto de la Grasa

    Sevilla, España


  2. 2 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


  3. 3 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España


  4. 4 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España


Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society

ISSN: 0003-021X

Datum der Publikation: 2001

Ausgabe: 78

Nummer: 12

Seiten: 1221-1226

Art: Artikel

beta Ver similares en nube de resultados

Andere Publikationen in: Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society

Institutionelles Repository: lock_openOpen Access Editor


There are several simplified methods to measure the color of virgin olive oils. However, their reliability is questionable, as they provide errors that sometimes can be considerable. A new method to calculate color coordinates and objective chromatic parameters in the color region of these olive oils is proposed with the aim of overcoming these objections. The method is a simplification of the original method proposed by the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE), based on the measurement of the complete visible spectrum, from 380 to 770 nm. The characteristic vector analysis provides new equations to calculate tristimulus values as functions of these transmittance values based on a reconstruction of oil transmission spectra measuring from three to six wavelengths. The results show that color difference exist between the color coordinates of the experimental samples and those obtained by means of the proposed method. For more than 90% of the samples, the difference was smaller than three CIELAB units when equations based on four or more wavelengths were used.