Restricted host range of the weevil Aubeonymus mariaefranciscae, a new sugar-beet pest

  1. Marco, V. 1
  2. López-Olguín, J.F. 1
  3. Ortego, F. 1
  4. Castañera, P. 1
  1. 1 Centro Nacional de Biotecnología

    Centro Nacional de Biotecnología

    Madrid, España


Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

ISSN: 0013-8703

Ano de publicación: 1998

Volume: 87

Número: 2

Páxinas: 201-207

Tipo: Artigo

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DOI: 10.1023/A:1003208319956 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-0031840330 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Outras publicacións en: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

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The extent of feeding, fecundity and fertility of a new sugar beet pest, Aubeonymus mariaefranciscae Roudier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on a range of plants from different families was determined. We have found that the adult weevils were only able to feed and oviposit on two closely related cultivated plants, beet and sugar beet, both subspecies of Beta vulgaris L., suggesting a restricted host range for this curculionid. None of 16 secondary metabolites (widely distributed among plants, and representative of different chemical groups), nor any of 19 non-host extracts from 13 different families, deterred the adults of this curculionid from feeding on sugar beet. We found a phagostimulatory effect when beet and sugar beet homogenates from various plant tissues were supplied to adult weevils on weeds that they do not feed on. Conversely, no effect was observed when sucrose was provided. These findings suggest that host selection by A. mariaefranciscae adults is due to the presence of an undetermined phagostimulant compound(s) in beet and sugar beet, instead of the recognition of deterrent substances among the non-host plants.