Mismuseos.net: Art after technology. Putting cultural data to work in a linked data platform

  1. Maturana, R.A. 1
  2. Ortega, María. 1
  3. López-Sola, S. 1
  4. Alvarado, M.E. 1
  5. Ibáñez, M.J. 1
  1. 1 GNOSS, Piqueras 31, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
CEUR Workshop Proceedings

ISSN: 1613-0073

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 1124

Tipo: Artículo

beta Ver similares en nube de resultados

Otras publicaciones en: CEUR Workshop Proceedings


Mismuseos.net shows a case of consumption and use of Linked Data from museums and their valorisation in education, through innovative end-user applications, like facet-based searches, semantic context creation and navigation through graphs, which improve user experience. The search engine enables aggregated searches by different facets and summarization of results for each successive search. The solution is built on GNOSS, a semantic and social software platform. MisMuseos.net gathers museum metadata from multiple Spanish Public Institutions, which includes seven Spanish Great Museums until now. It is a semantic Museum of Museums (a meta-museum) where users can browse over 17,700 pieces of art and 2,700 artists.