date_range Iraupena 2016(e)ko abendua-(a)k 01-(e)tik 2020(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 30-(e)ra izan da (48 months)
euro 20.000,00 EUR



(12) proiektuarekin lotutako argitalpenak

Erakutsi urterokoaren arabera


  1. Effects of soil erosion on agro-ecosystem services and soil functions: A multidisciplinary study in nineteen organically farmed European and Turkish vineyards 2018

    Journal of Environmental Management

  2. Towards the definition of optimal grape harvest time in Grenache grapevines: Nitrogenous maturity 2018

    Scientia Horticulturae

  3. vitisBerry: An Android-smartphone application to early evaluate the number of grapevine berries by means of image analysis 2018

    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

  4. Development and validation of a new methodology to assess the vineyard water status by on-the-go near infrared spectroscopy 2018

    Frontiers in Plant Science

  5. Vineyard water status assessment using on-the-go thermal imaging and machine learning 2018

    PLoS ONE

  6. Automated early yield prediction in vineyards from on-the-go image acquisition 2018

    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

  7. In field quantification and discrimination of different vineyard water regimes by on-the-go NIR spectroscopy 2018

    Biosystems Engineering

  8. Mapping and managing vineyard homogeneous zones through proximal geoelectrical sensing 2018

    Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science

  9. A new methodology for estimating the grapevine-berry number per cluster using image analysis 2017

    Biosystems Engineering

  10. Image analysis-based modelling for flower number estimation in grapevine 2017

    Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

  11. In-field assessment of grapevine water status using a portable NIR spectrophotometer 2017

    Acta Horticulturae

  12. Effects of ambient solar UV radiation on grapevine leaf physiology and berry phenolic composition along one entire season under Mediterranean field conditions 2016

    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry