Teorías implícitas de personas adultas mayores andaluzas que participan en programas de ejercicio físico dirigido

  1. Martín Moya, Ricardo
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Jesús Ruiz Montero Director
  2. Enrique Rivera García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2020

  1. Ana Ponce de León Elizondo Chair
  2. Carmen Trigueros Cervantes Secretary
  3. Alejandro Almonacid Fierro Committee member
  4. Alberto Moreno Doña Committee member
  5. Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT For five decades, society has undergone important changes in the configuration of the population of the countries. Spain is one of the countries with the largest elderly population in the world, with a similar perspective in the coming years (WHO, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Staying active is essential to doing the things you want to achieve active and healthy aging (Fritzell, Lennartsson, & Zaidi, 2020; Hartley et al., 2018; Whitley, Benzeval, & Popham, 2020). Older adults' perceptions have special meaning because they represent identity, idiosyncratic realities, biographical situations, and personal and social frames of reference that can illustrate the formulation of guidelines for professional performance (Farrance, Tsofliou, & Clark, 2016; Killingback, Tsofliou, & Clark, 2017). This Doctoral Thesis seeks to better understand the reasons for obtaining active older adults in order to propose attractive programs and improve the education of other sedentary older adults. Most of the studies carried out on physical exercise and older adults correspond, fundamentally, to the study of two dimensions of health: physiological and mental and emotional well-being, so that measurements and results are limited to the use of physical or mental tests. analyzed by older adults only quantitatively and their indicators linked to physical condition. For this reason, this Doctoral Thesis tries to explain all the aspects of the qualitative methodology that has been used in this research, in order to respond to the hypothesis established based on the object of the study. Four focus groups were conducted to collect qualitative data for the present investigation. These groups lasted approximately an hour and a half and were audio-visually recorded before being transcribed for textual analysis. Going into detail, the methodological option is inductive, of an emergent type, which describes the discourses of the study of the particular to the general, through the process of codifying grounded theory, which is especially identified because the general information comes from the data itself. this case, of the interventions of older adults (Sandín Esteban, 2000). The perceptions of older adults have a special meaning, because they represent identity, idiosyncratic realities, biographical situations and personal and social frames of reference that can illustrate the formulation of guidelines for the performance of physical exercise. Based on this goal, there are three main sections that emerge. His approach is carried out from a triple perspective: exercise as body health analyzed from his vision: physical, psychological and social; the barriers and facilitators that are identified for the practice of physical activity at this stage and, lastly, the social motivations and the type of practice that moves people in this age group to practice physical activity. Benefits at the physical and psychological level: this Doctoral Thesis shows how mastering an activity gives participants a sense of competence that encourages them to continue exercising. Some older adults experienced an intense improvement in self-esteem and in the sense of self-efficacy, feeling great psychological satisfaction after completing physical practice. Intention in behavior, facilitators and barriers: It has been shown how physical practice is an individual behavior that is influenced by interpersonal, environmental and social factors. In this sense we find the factors that favor the practice and that are known as facilitators. Personal practice facilitators refer to factors under a person's control that can motivate older adults to do physical exercise. It is time to address barriers to practice and understand what factors hold back physical practice. In this population group, the lack of knowledge and understanding of the relationship between moderate exercise practice and health benefits is an especially relevant barrier. On the other hand, the lack of time, the presence of pain, the lack of company or previous negative experiences suppose declared important barriers to start or continue the practice of physical exercise. Motivators of social practice, typology and organization: It has been observed how social and structural inequalities influence the levels of participation in physical exercise practices among older adults. Therefore, when physical activity is significant for older people, this population group is more likely to continue participating and maintain their level of adherence. On the other hand, it has been shown how friends and family played an important role in the motivation of the participants to exercise. Older male adults generally expressed their desire to exercise alone much more frequently, compared to women who mostly declared a preference for physical practice in the company of their peers. Referencias Bibliográficas / References Aparicio García-Molina, V., Carbonell-Baeza, A., Delgado Fernández, M., Aparicio García-Molina, V., Carbonell Baeza, A., & Delgado Fernández, M. (2010). Beneficios de la actividad física en personas mayores. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de La Actividad Física y Del Deporte, (40), 4–20. Beard, J. R., Officer, A. M., & Cassels, A. K. (2016). The world report on ageing and health. 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