De beaterios a conventosnuevas perspectivas sobre el mundo de las beatas en la España Moderna

  1. Atienza López, Ángela
Historia social

ISSN: 3020-6286

Année de publication: 2007

Número: 57

Pages: 145-168

Type: Article

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This paper aims at studying the phenomenon that led to the conversion of community houses (beaterios) into convents in the Early Modern Age, a process which caused the transformation of the devout life of many women into convent life. Furthermore, it also presents different approaches to the world of devout women (beatas) in Modem Spain and shows a reality more complex and varied than the prevailing one so far by quali- fying and questioning some of the imagen and approaches that are still in force in the historiography on devout women, strongly influenced by an inquisitorial approach.